Jewellery horoscope: myth or reality?

Men Trends Women

Written by Bérengère Treussard - Monday, September 9, 2024

We all have our little preferences when it comes to jewellery: discreet or extravagant, in silver, white, yellow or rose gold, with precious stones, diamonds, or pearls, or even contemporary or vintage, rock or classic jewellery, etc.

But what if these preferences were linked to our zodiac sign? It seems that the stars know a lot about our tastes in jewellery.

After the diamond horoscope we revealed some time ago, here is our jewellery horoscope for the new season: myth or reality?

© Like a Beautiful Jewel with AI

Have you ever wondered what the stars have to say about your jewellery style? Get ready to discover how each zodiac sign can influence your jewellery choices! Ready to shine?

And if by chance you don’t recognize yourself in these brief astrological portraits, inspired by our literary and astral wanderings, you can blame it all on your ascendant, that eternal troublemaker!

Another option: reconnect with your birthstone!

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Aries © Like a Beautiful Jewel with AI

"Fire in Jewellery"

You are an Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, it shows! You are bold, adventurous, and always ready to shine. For you, jewellery must match your flamboyant personality. Think of pieces in red gold that symbolize your passion and energy.

For Her – A woman of strong character, both in reality and in metaphor, Aries women prefer ornaments such as necklaces, earrings, hair combs, or tiaras. To highlight the elegance of their wrists and hands, they won’t shy away from bracelets and rings that reflect their strong personality. A single ring might suffice, but it must be magnificent, preferably adorned with rubies and diamonds.

For Him – The Aries man tends to be somewhat uninterested in jewellery. But if he is drawn to it, he will opt for red or rose gold with stones like garnet, which evoke strength and courage. A piece of jewellery that makes a bold statement is essential for this fiery sign.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Taurus © Like a Beautiful Jewel with AI

"Pure Luxury"

Ah, Taurus, you are the king or queen of comfort and luxury. You love beautiful and lasting things. Classic yellow gold and precious stones like emerald are made for you.

For Her – Highly feminine, she adores jewellery, especially around her neck. Her vanity encourages her to wear low necklines and necklaces. Her taste? Genuine, authentic, expensive. She pays cash without haggling to get what she wants. Whatever the price, she won’t skimp on spending. She loves beauty and quality. She could equally be drawn to pearls, in harmony with her Venusian nature, or to contemporary materials like leather, titanium, or steel. If anyone loves designer jewellery, it’s her. Her great romantic temperament would lean towards the red of ruby or garnet, but she will hesitate for a long time between sapphire and emerald, eventually settling on a pink morganite.

For Him – The Taurus man often opts for classic and timeless pieces. He will have only a few pieces, focusing more on exquisite watches if he has a taste for mechanics. His sure taste, combined with his desire to make a sound investment, will lead him to unique all-gold pieces, with a particular appreciation for blue sapphire, symbolizing wisdom and loyalty.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Gemini © Like a Beautiful Jewel with AI

"Eclecticism in the Spotlight"

Dear Gemini, you are the kings and queens of variety! You love changing your style almost as often as you change your mind. White gold and silver are your best friends.

For Her – She’s a master at mixing chic with kitsch! Nothing scares her: mixing styles, mixing colours, mixing materials! As long as it sparkles, is cheerful, and full of humour… If you’re not a Gemini, don’t even try it—you’d look like a parrot or a Christmas tree. On her, it’s sumptuous!

For Him – The Gemini man loves playfulness, versatility, transformability, and change. A silver chain with charms reflecting his many facets. One day it’s a football, the next a guitar! A pearl necklace with a teddy bear? No problem, baby, for the king of pranks and costumes!

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Cancer © Like a Beautiful Jewel with AI

“Emotion at Its Peak”

Cancer, you are the sign of emotions and sensitivity. You love jewellery that tells a story. Rose gold and pearls are for you.

For Her – She’s somewhat similar to the Taurus woman but torn between the desire to be seen and the horror of being noticed. By preference, she is drawn to classic jewellery. Pearls work wonders with her gentle nature, round face, and fair complexion. The Cancer woman doesn’t change her jewellery every time she changes her outfit. What she has and loves, she keeps for a long time.

For Him – His first reflex would be to see jewellery as a financial investment. But upon reflection, he could get excited about its pure aesthetic, even to the point of wearing one himself! As Cancer is sentimental, all journeys are possible: once the passion for jewellery is kindled, there’s no stopping him! He’s capable of dropping everything to roll up his sleeves, learn the trade, and become a delicate and inventive creator. He would also be reassured to be able to cover his partner in jewellery at cost price!

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Leo © Like a Beautiful Jewel with AI

"Shine like the Sun"

Leo, you are the star of the show! You love nothing more than attracting attention. Yellow gold and precious stones like diamonds are made for you.

For Her – She loves being looked at, admired, adored, and to achieve her goals, all means are good, especially jewellery! She’ll innocently tell you that it’s better to be beautiful and well-adorned than ugly and poor. In fact, her demonstration is very convincing. The Leo woman wears a lot, often from head to toe, and she wears it well, especially in gold! A jewellery gift is always a great idea, as long as you’re not petty, or you’ll be instantly unmasked and never forgiven!

For Him – With a Leo, life isn’t complicated. He loves beautiful jewellery on beautiful women and he loves jewellery on himself, for himself, and especially to be the most admired! A solid gold watch that screams, "Look at me!" With a sparkling dial, of course, because you need a piece that makes a statement.

Virgo (August 24 – September 24)

Virgo © Like a Beautiful Jewel with AI

"Precision and Refinement"

Virgo, you are the perfectionist of the zodiac. You love things that are well-made and elegant. White gold and minimalist designs speak to you.

For Her – The saint she preaches for is called discretion. Don’t think it’s due to modesty or humility; it’s due to pride. Her most beautiful adornment is herself, of course! Unfortunately, as she isn’t always brave enough to display her convictions, she might cover herself in jewellery before dinner and remove it before stepping out. When she finally decides, she’ll wear only one piece, but what class! And that piece will have cost her more in energy than in money. The Virgo woman manages her finances wisely and is a fierce bargainer! She particularly loves sapphire and amethyst, symbolizing wisdom and tranquillity.

For Him – A cautious manager, he is a measured man. Jewellery must be practical and functional, and he appreciates onyx, symbolizing protection and balance. A watch that is both chic and functional will be perfect; no need for unnecessary gadgets, just a beautiful stainless steel with a sleek dial.

Libra (September 24 - October 24)

Libra © Like a Beautiful Jewel with AI

"Harmony above all"

Libra, you are the diplomat and aesthete of the zodiac. You love balance and beauty. Rose gold and delicate jewellery are your allies.

For Her – A very refined, coquettish woman, she loves jewellery, but only one piece at a time. Her natural artistic curiosity will lead her to explore all genres; the old suits her as well as the contemporary. Her only requirement: quality. She loves the warmth of gold, whether it’s the metal or the stone. If you want to find the way to her heart, give her gold and amber.

For Him – A passionate aesthete, often professional, he would nevertheless have a slight tendency to consider jewellery as a minor art, confusing it with metallurgy. So, he needs to be taught. Show him how stones and metals can give birth to masterpieces of jewellery as moving as the paintings in a museum, whether they are classic or contemporary. He will then know how to appreciate elegant and refined pieces like cufflinks—because every detail counts—and he particularly appreciates lapis lazuli for its symbolism of wisdom and truth.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Scorpio © Like a Beautiful Jewel with AI

"Mystery and Introspection"

Scorpio, you are intense and mysterious. You love jewellery with character. Black gold and stones like onyx are made for you.

For Her – Firmly focused on the future, the Scorpio woman lives a few decades ahead of her contemporaries. She prefers the total adornment, with jewellery that seems to be part of her clothing. Ideally, a jewellery outfit would be her ultimate goal. If not, she will opt for wide bracelets or pectoral necklaces in the style of ancient Egypt, updated for 2050. Her allure allows it, and her mysterious and intense image will be further enhanced.

For Him – Jewellery? Yes, but only for himself! In the theatre of Scorpio, the more accessories, the better, as jewellery is just another means of showcasing his strange personality, far from naturalness and spontaneity. He will enjoy wearing intriguing jewellery: serpent rings, stones with strange powers set in bracelets with bizarre shapes. His favourite stone? Jasper, symbolizing protection.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 22)

Sagittarius © Like a Beautiful Jewel with AI

"The Adventurer with a Big Heart"

Sagittarius, you are the traveller of the zodiac. You love freedom and adventure. Yellow gold and stones like turquoise are your best options.

For Her – For the wise Sagittarius woman, jewellery must be earned! And all occasions are good to reward herself for her merits! She loves gold, and being sentimental, she often keeps the same jewellery. The wild Sagittarius, the one who can’t stay in one place, brings back jewellery from her many travels. A great time traveller, the mere sight of an old piece of jewellery ignites her imagination, and she’s convinced that the ring she’s holding was worn by D’Artagnan or the Count of Monte Cristo himself!

For Him – Silence, don’t disturb him; he’s busy remaking the world. With or without jewellery… it’s not really his concern! But this free spirit might very secretly wear an old chain with a medal given by his mother when he was twelve. Be tactful not to notice it!

Capricorn (December 23 – January 20)

Capricorn © Like a Beautiful Jewel with AI

"Chic pragmatism"

Capricorn, you are the embodiment of seriousness and ambition. You love jewellery that reflects your success. Yellow gold and classic designs are for you.

For Her – The Capricorn woman isn’t obsessed with adornment. In fact, she hardly thinks about it. Her style is more about the chic of discretion. She is traditional and ambitious. At most, one piece of jewellery, preferably old, perhaps even antique, will be her true talisman.

For Him – Despite his easy-going appearance, the Capricorn man is the most demanding of all the signs. If, like his Sagittarius counterpart, he is ready to remake the world, he loves jewellery, but it must be subtle and refined. A simple but refined yellow gold ring. No need for flashy displays to prove his worth.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

Aquarius © Like a Beautiful Jewel with AI

"Originality Rules"

Aquarius, you are the visionary of the zodiac. You love to be unique and different. White gold and avant-garde designs are for you.

For Her – The Aquarius woman is committed, unique, and avant-garde. Her preferred jewellery is actually the badge that reveals her commitment to a better future! But to adorn herself, she prefers white gold or silver adorned with an amethyst or turquoise, symbolizing creativity and protection.

For Him – The Aquarius man is a contemplative philosopher. It’s a bit tricky to get him to wear jewellery. Something on him? What a horror! He can barely tolerate his watch. Haven’t you noticed that he takes it off and places it on the corner of the table as soon as he arrives somewhere?

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

Pisces © Like a Beautiful Jewel with AI

"The Emotional Artist"

Pisces, you are the dreamer and artist of the zodiac. You love jewellery that inspires and touches the soul. Rose gold and stones like aquamarine are for you.

For Her – The Pisces woman is an anxious one who loves jewellery. She can never have enough. Due to her deep-seated dissatisfaction, she never finds them large enough. And yet, her fascinating beauty is always more noticeable than her accessories. Take Liz Taylor: her diamonds were gigantic, but people preferred to look at her eyes. The Pisces woman is dreamy and sensitive and only loves trendy jewellery with the name of a major brand that reassures her. She is the jeweller's dream client on Place Vendôme. Blue and white attract her, of course, so we immediately think of favourite precious stones like natural diamond—be careful not to make the faux pas of synthetic diamond — blue sapphire, aquamarine, platinum, grey gold, or silver.

For Him – A highly sensual man, the aesthetics of jewellery can touch him. But the piece must be very beautiful and perfectly meet the criteria of pure style. The Mohs scale holds no secrets for him! The Pisces man lives in the present moment. Don’t expect him to remember anniversaries, but don’t be surprised if he has the good taste to show up with jewellery and give it to you just like that, for no other reason than your pleasure and his. He prefers silver to any other metal.

© Like a Beautiful Jewel with AI

There you have it, a little tour of the jewellery horoscope. Each zodiac sign has its own preferences in jewellery, so why not use them to shine even brighter? Whether you’re a flamboyant Aries or a dreamy Pisces, there’s always a piece of jewellery waiting to elevate your style. So, take out your jewellery, look at the stars, and let your style flourish!

If you recognise yourself in your sign, leave us comments and tell us what jewellery you wear, if any!