Karine Chedid Joaillerie . Diamonds are trendy! 10 designers who reinvent diamond jewellery We have selected for you 10 trendy jewellery brands that reinvent natural diamonds. Discover Messika, Akillis, Manipura, Karine Chedid and more. Which natural diamond are you? Learn everything with the DiamondScope, the diamond horoscope Discover your DiamondScope! For the Natural Diamond Council, Lisa Stardust reveals the type of natural diamond jewelry best suited to each zodiac sign. Pop-up : The Jewellers’ Gang does its hostage-taking 6 jewellery designers gathered in Paris, from November 21 to December 3, 2022 at the Mona Lisa Gallery, discover their universe and their stories : Karine Chedid Joaillerie Soligems, Maison Veyret, Serengeti, Muriel Beigbeder, and In Orbem. How to choose the perfect diamond engagement ring Finding the right engagement ring is no easy task. Natural diamond or lab-grown diamond? White diamond or colored diamond? What cut? What price? LIKE A B. is here to help! Karine Chedid’s dainty Parisian jewelry Discover Karine Chedid’s dainty Parisian jewelry: engagement rings made of recycled gold and diamonds, chic and timeless jewelry made in Paris.