Natural Diamond Council / Only Natural Diamonds . The Natural Diamond: Icon of "Quiet Luxury" Natural diamonds are the epitome of quiet luxury and ethical elegance. Discover the Natural Diamond Council’s latest campaign celebrating the timeless beauty and sustainability of this gem. The natural diamond industry unites for a more responsible future Let’s unwrap the conference-debate organised by the Natural Diamond Council on the environmental and social impact of the natural diamond industry and its commitments. Natural diamond myths debunked Natural diamonds vs synthetic diamonds: let’s debunk myths! The Natural Diamond Council is setting the record straight on the authenticity, sustainability, rarity and impact of natural diamonds. The diamond "tennis bracelet" celebrates its 45th anniversary The natural diamond tennis bracelet celebrates its 45th anniversary! Discover the story behind this timeless jewel, from the tennis court to the creations of Tasaki, Harry Winston, and others. Which natural diamond are you? Learn everything with the DiamondScope, the diamond horoscope Discover your DiamondScope! For the Natural Diamond Council, Lisa Stardust reveals the type of natural diamond jewelry best suited to each zodiac sign. Vicenzaoro: Is there a new paradigm in the diamond jewellery market? Who are the buyers of diamond jewellery ? Here is what to remember from the talk organized in Vicenzaoro by the CIBJO and the Natural Diamond Council, with Roberto Coin, Mina El Hadraoui, Katerina Perez and Bérengère Treussard. How to choose the perfect diamond engagement ring Finding the right engagement ring is no easy task. Natural diamond or lab-grown diamond? White diamond or colored diamond? What cut? What price? LIKE A B. is here to help! The French Jewelry & Watches market in 2020: resilient and digital? Assessing the impact of Covid-19 on the HBJO (Jewelry & Watches) market in France in 2020 and the outlook for 2021. Diamonds: How to find your way around? A study by OpinionWay about diamond it’s appellations reveals a confusion in consumer mind between definition of natural diamond, synthetic diamond and culture diamond. We wanted to make it clear for all. What future for natural diamonds? Mina El Hadraoui sheds light on the future of natural diamonds versus synthetic diamonds and the environmental and social issues of the global diamond industry.